The Empire held roughly half of Hardorn at this point.
To have that loyalty betrayed so callously was a betrayal of everything the Empire held sacred.
He was not killed on the last day the Empire held Coruscant.
But it does matter to me whether or not the Empire holds together.
By 1922 the British Empire held sway over about 458 million people, one-fifth of the world's population at the time.
Mistworld is a rebel planet where the Empire holds no sway.
The Empires held the local championship until 1873, and Oran remained on the team during this time.
The surprising thing was how well the Empire had held together.
Losing the Medicare contract, which Empire and its predecessors have held for decades, could cost the company $63 million.
It felt to Owen as though the whole Empire was listening and holding its breath to see what would happen next.