The Empire faced challenges that forced Jora'h to consider desperate gambles.
"We've got to remember that the Empire has faced crisis after crisis in its history and has pulled through time and again."
But because of its repeated requests for large rate increases to cover its losses in the last several years, Empire is facing tough questions about its management.
The Empire faces a threat such as it has never faced before.
He realized the scandal the Empire would face if humans ever discovered what their supposed allies had done on Dobro.
The Empire faces unprecedented challenges.
Empire still faces the fundamental task of selling its managed-care programs to large corporate and union customers at a troubled time for the giant insurer.
In 559, the Empire faced a great invasion of Kutrigurs and Sclaveni.
While the two Empires were facing enormous internal difficulties, the Serbs took the favourable opportunity to expand their kingdom.
With $250 million in losses over the last two years, Empire, the largest of the companies, is facing tough questions about its management.