If the Emperor lost his temper violently in public, it was possible that his competence might be called into question.
The Emperor loses his effectiveness as a ruler from excess of ceremony and pomp.
It felt as if the Emperor - and the Empress - who had governed the "picture of the world" had quite lost their power.
The Guangxu era nominally continued until 1908, but the Emperor lost all honours, respect, power, and privileges, including his freedom of movement.
The Emperor has lost three fireships, and there were never enough to protect all the traders.
Joseph had half expected to be told that the Emperor had finally lost all faith in him, and was throwing him to the wolves, but instead.
Your Emperor will not lose by it, you have my word.
The Emperor remained lost in thought for a while, then said, "And what if someone else plucks him out before we do?"
Shinto was disestablished in 1946, when the Emperor lost his divine status as part of the Allied reformation of Japan.
The Emperor had lost something here.