The Emperor will defeat him and, in retaliation, seize our vast wealth-producing agencies.
In 415 the Western Emperor, Honorius, had defeated an usurper, Priscus Attalus; on June 28, 416, Ursus celebrated the event with shows in the theatre.
The Emperor then defeated another governor-king, retraced his steps, returning to Bequlzar in Ifat, where he commanded Jamal ad-Din to deliver unto him all of the province's apostate Christians.
Madame," said I, with all the dignity and assurance I could command, "the Emperor is defeating the English, and the French army will be here before evening.
It was clear that if the Emperor could not defeat the English when alone, then it might, indeed, go hard with him now that sixty thousand of these cursed Prussians were swarming on his flank.
According to his chronicle, the Emperor defeated the Oromo incursions and made subject to his rule those he captured, preventing further attacks for some time, with further incursions reduced to skirmishes.
But he was soon captured by Hessian troops and kept prisoner, until the Emperor finally defeated the Schmalkaldic League at the Battle of Mühlberg, freed Henry and reinstated him in 1547.
The Emperor of Outworld defeated Kung Lao and injured him so badly that he was believed to have died.
How would the Emperor have defeated him?
The Emperor sent a massive army and defeated him near Ulan Bator (at Jao Modo or Zuunmod on June 12, 1696).