The emperor Vespasian raised its status to that of a colonia.
In his youth, future emperor Vespasian served in this legion.
He also receives a commission from the Emperor Vespasian.
Even in the Emperor Vespasian' s time, when he introduced tax on toilets, it was said that money had no smell.
It was built during the reign of emperor Vespasian, in 78/79 AD.
He feigned friendship with Emperor Vespasian in order to regain his freedom.
During his consulship, the future Emperor Vespasian was born.
One day this Roman was met outside the senate by the emperor Vespasian, who threatened to execute him if he spoke too freely.
Clemens served as prefect in the early reign of Emperor Vespasian, from 70 until 71.
Under the emperor Vespasian, the Roman constitution began a slide toward outright monarchy.