Moreover, there are reports about the construction of a monumental bridge by the emperor Tiberius.
His prison is a villa constructed more than four centuries earlier by the emperor Tiberius.
Emperor Tiberius sat back in the center chair of the Enterprise.
The Emperor Tiberius, a great general himself, was also a wise old fox.
But for some reason, and mine is not the place to question, our Emperor Tiberius called us back.
He was persuaded to remain in Rome by the emperor Tiberius.
Scholars in the 16th century didn't know what they were - maybe something to do with the reputed excesses of the emperor Tiberius?
The standards were returned to the future emperor Tiberius, who received them on an island in the Euphrates.
The Emperor Tiberius did nothing to save his relative.
Her maternal grandmother was a distant relative to Emperor Tiberius.