Elite Hotel is an album by country music artist Emmylou Harris, released in 1975.
It was nearly midnight when The Shadow's agent returned to the Elite Hotel.
Entering the Elite Hotel, Harry heard the call.
In his room at the Elite Hotel, Harry worded a telegram to Rutledge Mann.
While Harry Vincent was dining in the Elite Hotel, a bell boy entered, carrying a telegram.
If such were the case, The Shadow might be at the Elite Hotel now.
Both arrived at the Elite Hotel, and it was not until Julius Selwick had entered the dining room for dinner that his trailer disappeared.
Elite Hotel, released in December 1975, established that the buzz created by Pieces of the Sky was well-founded.
Elite Hotel won a Grammy in 1976 for Best Country Vocal Performance, Female.
The owners, Elite Hotels, claim that furnishings have been selected to restore the house to its former glory.