Patricia Terry: Poems of the Elder Edda (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990).
The Elder Edda states that the giants would cross Bifröst, a great rainbow, at the Twilight of the Gods, breaking it with their weight and so destroying the world.
Codex Regius of the Elder Edda, Copenhagen 1937.
Author's Note The poems of the Poetic Edda (sometimes called the Elder Edda) cover various aspects of Norse myth, mythic history, and folklore.
The Elder Edda: A Selection.
His lifelong passion for Icelandic legend culminated in his verse translation of The Elder Edda (1969).
The Elder Edda (anonymous)
The Elder Edda: A Book of Viking Lore.
Due to this, Waddell used the word British in the title to emphasize where the Elder Edda had come from.
Other oral traditions were fixed in writing much later, such as the Elder Edda, written down in the 12th or 13th century.