She has waited too long already to set foot on Egyptian soil.
Mubarak stated in a speech that he would not leave, and would die on Egyptian soil.
I don't think the egyptian people have a problem with him dying on egyptian soil... as long as he steps down that is.
But we can do nothing because the Egyptians will stop us" from staging protests on Egyptian soil.
He attributes it to the high productivity of Egyptian soil which allowed for increased agricultural growth.
Now, let's examine what is happening on Egyptian soil.
If you're stopped and questioned on Egyptian soil, the slightest slip could cost you your life, and those of the others.
There he produced 13 scientific papers, including four on the study of nitrogen in the soil, and alkalinity of Egyptian soils.
From the moment he had set foot on Egyptian soil, everything had drastically altered.
The unanimous view was that as they had received the letter on Egyptian soil, they had permission to proceed.