The 14-storey building is the workplace of 18,000 Egyptian public servants.
The mother of this child is not Sarah but Hagar, an Egyptian servant.
Dark-skinned Saint Sara is said to have possibly been the Egyptian servant of the three Marys.
Other indications, such as Lady Baskerville's preference for an inefficient and timid Egyptian servant, were highly suspicious.
The earliest is from Egyptian royal servants Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum in the 25th century BC.
Midway to the white-clad strugglers, Margo intercepted the Egyptian servant and grabbed his arm.
The Egyptian servants were standing by, nodding solemnly at Monak's words.
But the Egyptian servants had forgotten all about ran and khat when they spoke of khaibet.
When the Egyptian servants came in to place their torches in the stone wall brackets, they gained no sight of the cloaked intruder.
With an Egyptian servant?