"Other groups will be in there with bells and candles, jumping up and down like somebody's going through their bodies," Wael Khattab, this group's Egyptian guide, commented as he observed their ritual from close by.
In September 2008, a group of eleven European tourists and eight Egyptian guides on a desert safari in south Egypt were kidnapped and taken south to Sudan.
Nancy, an Egyptian guide who works with me informs me that your family is present.
The tourists had departed to their hotels, and the only living objects to be seen were shapeless bundles of rags that covered the sleeping forms of the Egyptian guides and guards whose work lay in the Valley.
When the local boy proves too awkward to make any advances to his date, the more experienced Egyptian guides him along, wordlessly, but with eloquent gestures.
The Egyptian spiritual guide based in New Jersey, the Blind Sheikh, whom Bin Ladin admired, was also in the network.
The paper said an expedition organized by reporters had uncovered the two graves with the help of an Egyptian guide who had served as a sergeant during the 1967 war.
Later we meet Alcazar, an Egyptian guide, and a sensual mummy who is brought to life by Lord Edgar while he is on a grave-robbing expedition near the Pyramids.