Banded columns soar upward from a second-story balustrade, framing arches that contain the busts of three bewhiskered Edwardian gentlemen.
None other than this seemingly benign and avuncular Edwardian gentleman upon whom you're wasting your beauty and personality, and whose exterior hides a black and stony heart.
One photograph of an Edwardian gentleman, a stranger lounging by a column and looking into a square, could be another Aschenbach; a woman wrapped in flowing black seems an ominous sign of death.
He had been educated at Sandhurst military academy and at Oxford, and was an anglicised Edwardian gentleman.
That is in part the point of "Untitled," in which two Edwardian gentlemen, previously fully clothed, emerge nude as full-grown babies from under the skirts of two giant women.
Henry Carwardine, in a belted tweed coat and deerstalker hat, looked like an Edwardian gentleman on his way to the grouse moors.
He especially took to courtly Edwardian gentlemen who seemed to believe in honor, in doing the honorable thing.
Ronald Fraser said of the character "He epitomises all that was great about the Edwardian gentleman.
"Then as Father got richer and richer and reinvented himself as an Edwardian gentleman, the house got grander and grander."
Intelligent, if lacking in Holmes's insight, he serves as a perfect foil for Holmes: the archetypal late Victorian / Edwardian gentleman against the brilliant, emotionally-detached analytical machine.