Agee spent four years in Ecuador penetrating Ecuadorian politics.
However Durán-Ballén was never directly a part of these scandals and he is remembered for being one of the most honest politicians in the history of modern Ecuadorian politics.
His first novel, La casa de los locos (1929), satirized Ecuadorian politics and attacked so many real people that publication was considerably delayed.
It was founded in 1949 and played a major role in Ecuadorian politics of the 1960s and 70s, with its sronghold being in Guayaquil.
Unlike all previous forays by the military into Ecuadorian politics, the coup of 1925 was made in the name of a collective grouping rather than a particular caudillo.
He resigned to return to Ecuadorian politics.
By the 1960s the PC, along with their Liberal rivals, had faded somewhat from their leading position in Ecuadorian politics.
The cleavage between the two elite groups, in evidence at independence, continues to play a pivotal role in Ecuadorian politics.
This decision deeply polarized Ecuadorian politics, as liberals generally viewed the Church as an obstacle to social and political progress.
Though Jaime Roldós's brother León Roldós is still very involved in Ecuadorian politics, he is not a member of the Roldosist Party.