Ecuadorian authorities have formed partnerships with Colombian, Venezuelan, U.S., and Chinese officials to jointly investigate several trafficking cases.
Ecuadorian authorities have developed trafficking in persons protocols for consular officers abroad and have begun training their diplomatic corps in these procedures.
To advise the Ecuadorian authorities on the subject of conservation and management of natural resources in the Galapagos Islands.
The Ecuadorian authorities continue to restrict access to the volcano and an orange alert for the immediate surrounding areas of the volcano is in place.
Its activity is closely monitored by the Ecuadorian authorities and considered active, but not currently dangerous.
If you are arrested in Ecuador, request that the Ecuadorian authorities do this on your behalf.
Ecuadorian authorities found three wounded women in the camp, including a Mexican student identified as Lucía Andrea Morett Álvarez.
The majority of the liquid cocaine, 3,600 gallons, was turned over to Ecuadorian authorities for destruction.
On 3 July 2010, the Ecuadorian authorities seized a fully functional, completely submersible submarine in the jungles bordering Ecuador and Colombia.
As a man of God, Danvers was respected by the Ecuadorian authorities.