A brief investigation turns up marijuana and some Ecstasy pills.
Subsequently it has continued to be used as an ingredient in black market "ecstasy" pills around the world.
Ecstasy pills often have a logo, such as cartoon characters, stamped on them.
Ullrich explained that he was depressed and had swallowed two Ecstasy pills before another night on the town.
Holly decides to flirt with a stranger for more drugs and she takes an ecstasy pill.
A young narrator tells teenagers that they might fool their parents with techniques like hiding Ecstasy pills in vitamin bottles, but the drug remains dangerous.
Undercover officers bought more than 400 Ecstasy pills from ring members during a two-month investigation, the state police said on Wednesday.
Bags full of ecstasy pills, such as above, along with other class A drugs, were found in a house in Rochdale during a police raid.
Mr. Carter said that by preliminary estimates, the clubs sold 1,000 Ecstasy pills monthly, at $30 to $40 each.
He pleaded guilty to charges of running a drug gang that flooded Arizona and New York with almost four million ecstasy pills over three years.