Economists report a growing gap between rich and poor.
Economists had expected jobless claims to rise last week to 480,000 from the previous week's initially reported 468,000.
The Economist recently reported on a variation of the creepy-crawly girl-eats-boy love stories.
Economists report that the broader, and more accurate, unemployment rate is 16.2 per cent.
The Economist reported that Britain should seize the ports if they become "a matter of life and death".
The Economist, issue April 12, 2006, reported that up to one fifth of the population is learning English.
The Economist reported: "Half of the world's population enjoys fuel subsidies.
The Economist reported that an earthquake may have caused the cable to fault.
The Economist reported this action as a form of coup d'état.
The Economist has reported that most Americans were treating their homes as an investment till 2008.