The Economist published a statement stating that:
In 1988, The Economist published a long article praising Mr. Servan-Schreiber for promoting free trade and open markets while still advocating nationalist goals.
The Economist published a review declaring the book to be "absolutely pro-Occupy," while retaining critical perspective.
The Economist, normally a temperate voice, recently published a cover photograph of the royal crown under the headline "An Idea Whose Time Has Passed."
Let's also force The Economist to publish bylines, eh?
EACH week The Economist publishes a set of commodity-price indicators.
The Economist consistently favours guest worker programs, parental choice of school, and amnesties and once published an "obituary" of God.
About a year ago, The Economist published an article under the smirky headline "George Bush, homme sérieux."
In 1956 the Economist published a short survey.
The Economist published an article citing various criticisms against the state of PhDs.