But economists generally calculate that even if the Congressional office's figures are off, the direction is right.
Some economists calculate that a rise in the discount rate soon could eventually lead to lower, not higher, interest rates.
The effective cost per domestic job saved, the two economists calculate, amounts to almost $1 million a year.
Corporate investment, economists calculate, falls a percentage point or two in a year if the market drops by 10 percent.
It is only later that economists calculate inflation rates and ascertain just how much "real" spending was up or down.
The economists calculate that the average house price-to-income multiple in Beijing is now around 18 times.
In the early 1990's, economists calculated big economic rewards from additional investment in education.
The deficit has ballooned, with some economists calculating that the full cost of unemployment is nearly $100 billion a year.
Economists calculate the extra dollars it would cost to remove 1 percent of the ozone that fouls the air.
Some economists calculate social discount rates based on the interest rates prevalent in financial markets.