From the American film-audience perspective, the femme fatale often appeared foreign, usually either of indeterminate Eastern European or Asian ancestry.
Another 8% are European ancestry and/or Middle Eastern ancestry, while 7% is of Asian ancestry.
The largest block of Eastern European ancestries include Polish, at 8.3% and Slovak, at 6.6%.
The largest Eastern European ancestry was Russian, including a recent influx of Ashkenazi Jews.
Although Canavan disease may occur in any ethnic group, it affects people of Eastern European Jewish ancestry more frequently.
About 1/40 individuals of Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish ancestry are carriers.
- Sarah, 35: Type B. Sarah was a 35-year-old woman of Eastern European ancestry.
Popow's name, which is pronounced "pop-off", is the result of his Eastern European ancestry.
Symon was born in Cleveland, Ohio and is of Greek, Italian, and Eastern European ancestry.
In 1988, Mr. Pavichevich wanted to craft a Czech-style pilsener in the tradition of his Eastern European ancestry.