East of that point it runs along the north side of the freeway.
East of Bard Avenue, the homes can run from $200,000 to $300,000 and up, with $500,000 not uncommon.
Since 1300 East is very wide and runs through a purely residential area, it has frontage roads on the west side.
Here, though, East and West might be running the whole spade suit, South having only three spades to the queen.
East was now running for cover, and tried one spade since that was unlikely to attract a penalty double.
East of Woodland Drive, the street runs downhill into a more rural section of town.
East of Atlanta, M-32 and M-33 run concurrently for about six miles.
But when North passed and East ran to four clubs, South had to pass.
East of that junction, the two highways run concurrently east-west.
He continued with the ten to the jack, hoping that East had not made a tricky duck with the queen and ran clubs.