KIG75 is a NOAA Weather Radio station that serves the Yakima Valley and East Slopes of the Washington Cascades.
It can be heard across the Yakima Valley, Central Kittitas County, The Columbia Basin and East Slopes of the Cascades.
Birds of Yosemite and the East Slope, by David Gaines, ASIN B0006P3Q46, Artemisia Press, 1992.
East Slope is one of several accommodation blocks at the University of Sussex.
East Slope was constructed in the early 1970s.
East Slope has 100 terraced single-storey flats, housing 504 undergraduates and 68 postgraduates.
Accommodation on campus was expanded in the 1970s with the construction of the unusual split-level flats of East Slope.
In the 1990s, as student numbers rose, further developments were constructed in the corner of campus between East Slope and Park Village.
Two newer accommodation areas were completed recently: one next to Falmer railway station, named Stanmer Court, and the other next to East Slope, opposite Bramber House, known as Swanborough.
One purpose of the reservoir is to help compensate for diversions to Colorado's East Slope, taken further up in the Fryingpan Basin as part of Reclamation's federal Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.