Bolan and Jones were less than 2 miles from arriving at their home in East Sheen.
It was almost seven o'clock when he got into the Bentley and drove himself to East Sheen.
He retired to his estates at East Sheen, south of London, and died there on 10 March 1705.
He was brought up in East Sheen.
He currently resides in East Sheen, London, but sees his son regularly.
From a bedroom at the sisters' home in East Sheen, south west London, a start-up service was formed in early 1990.
He died in 1974 at his home in East Sheen, London, the result of a stroke.
In 1896 he purchased the Palewell estate at East Sheen for development, and within a few years 150 houses had been built there.
She closed the door, put the key in her pocket and took a bus back to East Sheen.
After the Restoration, he retired to a community in East Sheen.