The difference between the building on East Ninth Street and most social-service institutions is evident from the entrance.
The building under renovation on East Ninth Street, for example, is on a virtually empty strip.
I started making theater in a little tiny base- ment on East Ninth Street.
The eviction came 10 days after the group's lawyers lost a final bid to stay in the building, at 605 East Ninth Street.
The building is located at 110 East Ninth Street.
Neighbors said she moved into apartment No. 7 at 700 East Ninth Street about two months ago.
Horn, 328 East Ninth Street, expects to have a gunmetal leather version later this year.
At 334 East Ninth Street, it seems ready for the neighborhood's inevitable onset of young professionals.
But the city-run center, at 710 East Ninth Street, may have to close because of a rent increase.
"But the residents of East Ninth Street are really attempting to preserve a community resource."