Agent Vargas in the Cross Hall, ten meters in from the East Entrance.
Passengers can take taxis to or from the Taxi Stand near the East Entrance.
An elaborate system of rain-water drains can be seen, reconstructed by Evans, at the East Entrance.
At that point, part of the platform directly above Flower Road remained removed, so passengers were able to use only the Central and East Entrances.
The pair shot out the windows to the East Entrance of the school.
Guns were bolstered, coats buttoned, and long breaths taken as the entourage came in through the East Entrance.
Families with Yellowstone in their plans for summer should get up-to-date information before setting out; cars arriving late in the evening could find the East Entrance blocked.
Yet it is underused because most fans herd down the ramp as if they were cattle to the nearby East Entrance.
Snack bar by the East Entrance serves breakfast, burgers and other predictable basic fare.
The Sylvan Pass route is the only way to enter/exit Yellowstone National Park from the East Entrance.