Harry Boyd Earhart (1870 - 1954) was a successful oil company executive, and founder (in 1929) of the Earhart Foundation.
Financial support for the research came from the Earhart Foundation and the Randolph Foundation, two small institutions that have supported conservative research organizations and scholars.
He has received fellowships from the Earhart Foundation, the Olin Foundation, and the Institute for Humane Studies.
The Earhart Foundation is an American private charitable foundation that funds research and scholarship.
In 2000, the Earhart Foundation had total assets of $95 million (2000 IRS Form 990).
The Earhart Foundation is sponsoring the ArchiveGrid project.
It also worked closely with similar charitable endeavors, such as the Earhart Foundation and the Relm Foundation.
As of 2007, the Institute had received funding from the Earhart Foundation and the Bradley Foundation.
Katz held pre-doctoral fellowships from the Institute for the Study of World Politics, the Earhart Foundation, and the Brookings Institution.
The Earhart Foundation gave in 1998 - 2001 in total $46,095 to support editor Dr. Robert Higgs.