Finish your visit by stopping in at the Eagle Tavern (with its 1850's décor).
The Eagle Tavern was built circa 1801 but possibly as early as 1794.
Today, The Eagle Tavern is open weekly for tours of its rich history and ghostly tales.
The Eagle Tavern has also been a popular spot for many paranormal investigators, due to the success rate of evidence during investigations.
The village has a public house, the Eagle Tavern.
The next venue is the Eagle Tavern, 14th Street at Ninth Avenue.
The Eagle Tavern, 355 West 14th Street (924-0275).
Inside the Eagle Tavern, the drinks were flowing.all that glistened really was gold.
The Eagle Tavern is at 14th Street and Ninth Avenue.
Notable buildings include the Eagle Tavern (bef.