He sounds suitably eurosceptic and then ends up watering down his promises as he agrees to the compromises that mark every EU negotiation.
The Serbian government has declared that the status of the Kosovo region should not be tied with the EU negotiations.
The prime minister conducted his EU negotiations while intentionally 'desperate for a pee', to achieve maximum focus.
- Downing Street said protecting the City by maintaining a level playing-field in financial services was still a government objective in EU negotiations.
This is exactly the kind of bullish risk he took with EU negotiations, and look what happened there?
In parallel, I will present tomorrow a mandate for proper EU negotiations with the United States on matters arising from visa policy.
For the success of this pipeline, Turkish cooperation is essential, yet the opening of the energy chapter in EU negotiations with Turkey is being blocked.
Human rights, labour and environmental standards and tax governance must guide EU negotiations with developing countries.
(DE) Mr President, China's interventions in Central and Latin America have brought a new impetus to EU negotiations.
We must not forget that these, too, are crucial areas in the forthcoming EU negotiations.