EU crisis: The Frogs do love us - they're just hopping mad with Germany Isn't it just as likely that Britain will hit the rocks and break up?
There is a need to prevent the EU crisis quickly before it gets worse.
However it did not merge financially, and kept the pound separate from the Euro, which kept it partly isolated from the EU financial crisis of 2011.
It was a pity The European Dream scooted hastily into today's EU financial crisis in its final few minutes but at least it had shown a bit of the road that led to it.
Far from solving the EU crisis, this treaty has achieved nothing to avert the disaster looming in the coming weeks.
Tht sound right to you; and how would you evaluate his role in the current EU financial crisis?
The current EU crisis is not solely, nor even predominantly, an institutional crisis.
The difference is that those oil crises were global while this is very clearly an EU crisis.
The EU economic crisis reveals that the EU has, as it were, no bathing costume.
Therefore, in the context of an EU economic crisis, I want to stress the importance of preserving education and training budgets at national and Union level.