While getting off of the bus at the stadium, Irons gestured to the ESPN crew that he would rush for 200 yards that night.
An ESPN crew recently came to my home to interview me for last night's silver anniversary special.
But during a recent United States women's team exhibition produced by an ESPN crew, Mason said he was pleasantly surprised to hear the players exhort each other so loudly.
An ESPN crew is waiting, and for the first time in a week she is actually eager to do an interview.
ESPN was not with Moorad constantly, and team officials could tell the ESPN crew to leave if their talks turned sensitive.
By this afternoon he had amassed more than $170,000 in chips, which brought the ESPN crew filming the event for broadcast next month over to introduce themselves.
Terrific interview too, even though it was with the ESPN crew.
A new television compound was constructed for the ESPN crew on the north side of the drag strip, which frees up space in the pit area.
(The ESPN crew is adept at debating and having team officials occasionally bark at their conclusions.)