Medical directors are generally ER physicians who work in a hospital associated with the paramedic service.
These physicians are usually ER physicians.
Joudah currently practices as an ER physician in Houston, Texas.
I had recently started a new job as an ER physician at a major university teaching hospital in Cleveland.
The ER physician in charge of the resuscitation team had already declared John Tarlow dead.
Brenner was introduced as a new ER attending physician, first seen in bed with two women before arriving for his first shift.
Michael returned with the pacemaker equipment, and the three ER physicians stood back to let Stewart perform his magic.
His reflex as an ER physician was to leap on a problem the way he would a bleeder, well before it got out of hand.
Lectured him, a former ER physician, on the dangers of open blisters.
"In your experience as an ER physician, do you develop a sense of a patient's chances for survival when they come to you for treatment?"