Sleep EEG studies on hypnotic benzodiazepines show that tolerance tends to occur completely after one to four weeks with sleep EEG returning to pretreatment levels.
Furthermore, human EEG studies with subdural recording electodes showed that a γ band oscillation could be recorded at the start of typical seizure activity [ 42 ] .
It would therefore be interesting to observe sleep in per1,2 single and double mutant mice, the latter of which have been subjected to behavioral observation [ 29 ] but not to sleep EEG studies.
Cyproheptadine may be superior to benzodiazepines in the treatment of insomnia as it enhances sleep quality based on EEG studies.
In neurology, the main diagnostic application of EEG is in the case of epilepsy, as epileptic activity can create clear abnormalities on a standard EEG study.
In 2008, an EEG study found "strong, significant, and consistent differences in specific brain regions when the meditator is in a jhana state compared to normal resting consciousness".
These people rarely volunteer for investigation in controlled EEG studies.
Because 20 minutes is such a short amount of time, the results of routine EEG studies are often normal, even in people known to have epilepsy.
In human EEG studies, the term theta refers to frequency components in the 4-7 Hz range, regardless of their source.
In humans, because invasive studies are not ethically permissible except in some neurological patients, by far the largest number of EEG studies have been conducted using electrodes glued to the scalp.