Its representatives have been advised by EC ministers that although the ban is scientifically unsustainable it is politically impossible to remove.
On the same day EC foreign ministers agreed in principle to open negotiations on an association agreement with Romania.
But, as EC ministers of agriculture, trade and foreign affairs will bear out, Cresson is tough.
EC ministers continued to press Switzerland to raise above 28 tonnes its weight limit on lorries in transit [see also p. 38493].
EC foreign ministers are expected to rule on Bosnia's request for diplomatic recognition in Brussels today.
On Dec. 4 EC foreign ministers met in Brussels.
On June 1st EC ministers passed a law on working hours.
EC foreign ministers, meeting today, have already drawn up their battle-lines over the much-vexed topic of safeguarding European culture on television.
EC ministers have agreed on measures to reduce water pollution by nitrates from chemical and natural fertilizers after a debate lasting two and a half years.
While it "welcomes the result of the Irish referendum" it confirmed the "conclusions" of the Oslo meeting of EC ministers [see above].