Later one of them was sold to a Dutch owner and the prototype also went abroad.
Ronald, the Dutch owner, is ex-wine trade and organises walking and wine tours.
In 1998, the Tradewind was sold to a Dutch owner and renamed Sodade.
Two further ferries were purchased from Dutch owners, in 1995 and 1996.
The genial Dutch owners produce their own wine.
Since 1999, King's Legend belongs to a Dutch owner.
She was withdrawn in 1969, sold to Dutch owners in 1970 and scrapped in 1974.
Withdrawn from service in 1969, she was sold to Dutch owners, but did not return to service and was scrapped in 1974.
The quiet position and the hands-on, charming and energetic young Dutch owners.
Whether he supported a successor to the Hausmann family or one to the Dutch owner is unknown.