It is believed the author of the book may have been a young Dutch diplomat called Jan Vroesen.
Vergunst is married to Ellen Berends, a Dutch diplomat.
"Srebrenica was a turning point," said a senior Dutch diplomat who deals with Balkans policy.
Abraham de Wicquefort (1606-1682) was a Dutch diplomat.
There is another factor, Dutch diplomats say: While not saying so publicly, the government does not much like the constitution itself.
"Companies know they cannot keep swimming against the current," said a Dutch diplomat who asked not to be identified.
Also, couriers for the purpose were sometimes used and all Dutch diplomats travelling to and from either country carried the correspondence.
The Dutch diplomat gathered evidence, and, with the help of Sobhraj's neighbor, built a case against him.
"Inevitably the prosecutor will be the public face of the institution," said Edmond Wallenstein, a Dutch diplomat involved in setting up the court.
Currently he is a Dutch diplomat.