Bingham and his signals officer, Killick, had coffee waiting but were kind enough not to offer me a Dutch cigar.
He reached into his top pocket and brought out the packet of Dutch cigars.
Hank stood behind the tripod with a thick black Dutch cigar in his mouth giving bad advice too the harassed photographer.
A man bought three box of Dutch cigars.
Well,later he sold his three boxes of Dutch cigars at a profit of thirty three of their cost.
Harry was chomping on a greenish Dutch cigar.
Stroking his Dutch cigar, Harry stared down at the photo.
From it emerge the solid grey stench of cheap Dutch cigars and a head that could have belonged to some prehistoric reptile.
He fell back in the deep leather chair beside the fire and Sukeena brought him a box of good Dutch cigars to choose from.
I have to see Chatfield about those Dutch cigars.