Eventually the phone, the buttons of which have only the number 2, rings, and a character referred to only as "Duke" suggests a cigarette to the occupant.
Hering and his wife Caroline had lost their only child at the age of six and the Duke suggested that they adopt Marion.
A few days before, when Duke casually suggested going there, I couldn't have found it on a map, assuming it was on the map.
"Let me show you about," suggested Duke.
Duke suggested a celebratory dinner.
Hawkeye, Trapper and Duke suggest that he use the "black capsule", a fictitious fast-acting poison.
He listened in silence, waiting to see what his new Duke would suggest.
To immortalize the successful Waterloo campaign, the Duke of Wellington suggested that a couple of special medals be prepared.
The Duke suggested that you take most of the veterans for your cohort, since it was worst hit; you'll also have almost half the recruits.
Duke looked up from his hokkien fish balls and suggested a river cruise.