Neither player was ultimately dealt but the Ducks did make one move before the deadline.
Duck gives the trucks a bump and makes his water gauge run low!
The Ducks had a 2-0 lead at 9:05 of the second period and made it a three-goal advantage 32 seconds later.
However, the Ducks do make a stop first at an abandoned old house where they had stayed as visitors in 1848.
They are powered by 110-horsepower six-cylinder gasoline engines, and each Duck makes five 80-minute tours every day.
Ducks, squirrels, fish, and other aquatic life make this park a great site for anyone seeking a quiet time in a natural setting.
On April 16, 2009, the Ducks made it to the playoffs as the 8th seed.
Duck makes a frequent appearance on its pan-Asian menu.
The Ducks had not made it past the second round until this year.
Ducks, as migratory birds, had various religious symbols and made the meanings of sotdae more diverse.