Exodus - Dreams of Ada, directed by Gianluigi Calderone (2006)
The company's "Dream," directed by Mr. O'Brien, isn't big on poetic content: the lyricism tends to get lost.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Mark France, July 2006.
(Sky One) and played the lead in the short film Remember My Dream, directed by Joao Costa Menezes.
A Midsummer Night's Dream (2011) by William Shakespeare, directed by Natalie Abrahami.
The Mexican Dream, written and directed by Hernández Pérez, won 13 International Film Festivals.
An Organization of Dreams (2009), directed by Ken McMullen, an experimental thriller inspired by Stiegler's work, and in which he appears.
Many sequences from the film were used in the 1997 documentary A Frozen Dream (En frusen dröm), also directed by Troell.
In particular the theatre's July 2011 production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Eileen Walder is set to receive rave reviews.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Peter Brook (1970)