"But give me some double diamonds and I'll be even better."
"Double Diamonds," she declared, pointing to one near the end of the aisle.
They'll be off vanquishing the double diamonds on the expert trails.
Indianhead features runs from very easy greens through double diamond.
The north face, however, is a test of knees and will, with over a half-dozen double black diamond trails that are short but shocking.
The Tramline, for example, could earn double black diamond at another mountain, and the same thing is possible in the reverse.
But the Pearlroth family eventually reached the reluctant conclusion that the double diamonds would have to go.
Discovery ski area boasts 15 downhill double black diamond trails.
They had been in the shape of double diamonds exactly like the ones in the woodland ride!
There's nothing like the double diamonds at Aspen or Chamonix.