Dorset Police said its investigation into the tragedy would look at whether there were any grounds for criminal proceedings.
She learnt his brain had been stored in a jar after being visited by two plain-clothed officers from Dorset Police earlier this week.
Dorset Police has a MD 902 helicopter that can be deployed anywhere in the county in 12 minutes.
Dorset Police no longer use the traditional police jumper, having favoured the black fleece with police written on the chest and back.
Dorset Police have a total of 420 vehicles, of which 65% are Ford Focuses, and drive a total of 6.8 million miles a year.
Due to budget cuts Dorset Police is not currently looking to recruit for any positions unless they are urgent.
Since 1877 the following officers of Dorset Police were killed while attempting to prevent or stop a crime in progress:
Over the following days, Dorset Police received two other letters, threatening to send bombs to Tesco customers if the demands were not met.
The investigation was one of the largest and most secretive that had ever been undertaken by Dorset Police.
He served with Dorset Police before embarking on a career in the food distribution and processing industry.