The daytime show began on July 4, 1949 and was hosted by Don Russell.
The boss there would be the oldest member of the team, a grandfather named Don Russell.
Don Russell appeared in the corridor, leading Katie by the hand.
Don Russell is dead, so are four other agents, sir, but we have it contained, okay?
There were at least ten rounds by Don Russell's body, and an empty magazine.
Don Russell is the station's longest-tenured personality, having worked at the station on six separate occasions since the 1970s.
The newspaper published very little local news, according to Don Russell, an Advocate columnist who wrote about the early history of the paper.
As head of this detail, Don Russell walked over.
She turned to see Don Russell, sipping from a plastic coffee cup while he got some fresh air.
Don Russell and she had milk and cookies at least twice a week.