Don Anderson also considered that plate tectonics could not happen without the calcium carbonate laid down by living beings at the edges of subduction zones.
Richard Clarke, who lives next door to Don Anderson, said houses for sale are scarce.
Don Anderson is the Mickey's hamburger chain marketing director who helped develop the "Big One", its most popular menu item.
He was brought on board to replace Don Anderson, who after getting married was unavailable to record on Sunday evenings.
In early 1996, the duo began producing songs and, during the summer, Don Anderson joined the band to further refine the material.
Don Anderson has never worked for a Presidential candidate before.
He trained under Dave Sparrow, and later Don Anderson, while working as a blacksmith to pay the bills.
"It was the hippie generation that went for the sandals in a big way," said Don Anderson, then marketing director of the company.
Whitaker's connection to Mount St. Mary's is Don Anderson, an assistant basketball coach.
Don Anderson, the assistant coach who brought him to the school, wants Whitaker to graduate even if he does not finish his four years of eligibility.