Simon met with Dodger Productions, among the most successful producing outfits on Broadway.
For Dodger Productions, the "Titanic" box-office news is manna from heaven.
Michael David, a principal of Dodger Productions, declined to comment on criticism of the show.
"The fact is, we chose to do a show called 'Titanic,' " said Michael David of Dodger Productions.
(The producers, Dodger Productions, agreed to release him early from his contract.)
Presented by Dodger Productions and Joop Van Den Ende.
"Our advertising wasn't unusual," said Michael David, whose company, Dodger Productions, is the general manager for "Beauty and the Beast."
"We are beginning to develop, finally, a family audience; younger parents are bringing younger children," said Michael David of Dodger Productions, which produced the show.
But in fact, he is part of a group called Dodger Productions that has become sort of a Broadway mini-conglomerate.
That, at least, was what Michael David of Dodger Productions, which owns the rights, was saying at the ebullient opening night party.