Instead, local Indianapolis-area Dodge dealers fulfilled the duty.
Chrysler officials declined to speculate on what might happen to the 1,900 Chrysler-Plymouth dealers who compete with Dodge dealers in metropolitan areas.
The town doesn't even have a Dodge dealer; the previous owner had brought the car in by ship.
Can Dodge dealers actually make money selling Neon subcompacts without air-conditioning?
Chrysler left, but Alaska's Dodge dealers got together to become sponsors, as did Alaskan banks, telecommunications firms and others.
Eventually they settled on Dodge engines, and soon the trucks were sold by Dodge dealers.
Yet something keeps customers coming back to their Chrysler and Dodge dealers, some for a third or fourth minivan.
Similarly, Dodge dealers had 98 days of Caravan mini-vans at the end of December, compared with 88 days the previous month.
After Dodge dealers complained about not having a true full-size car in the fall of 1961, the Custom 880 was hurried into production.
This condensation follow-up was triggered by a spot from my Dodge dealer shouting over the radio that "you can get air at no extra charge."