Lake White was officially dedicated as a state park in 1949 when the Division of Parks and Recreation was created.
He first remodeled the old building into an office for District One of the Division of Beaches and Parks.
They shared their recommendation with the Division of Parks and Trails and started building local support.
An internal investigation by the Division of Parks and Wildlife came to the conclusion that the right bear had been shot.
All areas used for state parks, monuments, and recreation were brought under a Division of Parks within the Department later that year.
The Division of Parks and Forestry, which oversees historic sites, lost its entire $16.5 million capital budget for next year.
The reservoir was never built, and in 1993 administration of the area was transferred to the Division of Parks and Forestry.
A Division of Parks is created within the Department of Lands and Forests.
The state's Division of Parks and Reservoirs maintains both primitive and modern camping sites in the park surrounding the lake.
The Division of Parks and Trails has three major goals.