The 7th Division captured 142 prisoners for a loss of 65 casualties.
After nine days, the division had approximately 1,200 dead and 6,642 missing, wounded or captured.
After several days of fighting, 3rd Division had captured all the ground south of the flooded area.
My division captured 1,762 prisoners and, in all, seventeen pieces of artillery.
The 1st division advanced from the south and successfully captured Vertiskos.
The two divisions incurred more than 2,000 casualties, but captured about 3,000 German soldiers.
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Canadian Divisions quickly captured their first objectives.
On 20 April, the division captured Daerstorf, 8 miles west of the city.
The division then captured the nearby city of Stavanger.
Quickly gaining the upper hand, the 2nd Division captured all of its objectives, while sustaining 2,174 casualties.