On the 31st, Verdier's relatively fresh division attacked but was stopped.
The other three divisions attacked different parts of the French line separately and at different times.
The attack made significant progress before it was stopped, and the shocked Germans estimated that five divisions had attacked.
The 39th Division attacked at 5:50 a.m. with two brigades.
Twenty nine divisions attacked Byng's army, and were defeated in a day.
Expecting it to be defended in force, the division attacked at once, trying to catch the defenders unaware.
Supported by 500 guns, 50 divisions attacked on the narrow front between Gorizia and the sea.
But as soon as the marines pulled out, the 77th Division returned to the peaks and attacked the column.
On the right flank, the 115th Division attacked the task force's B Company.
Kadem would lie offshore until the first division entered the bay and attacked the rebel fort.