He died in 1892 and the distillery continued under his wife and son, but in 1920 was sold to the Distillers Company.
In 1968 the Distillers Company agreed to a multi-million-pound compensation scheme for the victims.
The inquiry is focusing on share dealings during Guinness's $3.6 billion acquisition last year of the Distillers Company.
Peter pursued a career with Distillers Company and became a managing director before his retirement in 1985.
Both distilleries merged in the 1860s and later became part of the Distillers Company in 1877.
The dispute began last year after Guinness's $4.1 billion takeover of the Distillers Company.
The acquisition would be the second biggest for Guinness, after its $4.1 billion purchase in 1986 of the Distillers Company, a spirits concern.
This usually happens after a fairly senior personal effort to cheer the Distillers Company on to greater profitability, but not always.
Talisker was acquired by Distillers Company in 1925 and is now part of Diageo.
In 1877 ownership was merged into the Distillers Company.