The most controversial issue regarding the Discovery Park is what to do with former military property acquired in and around the park.
By 2012, Discovery Park had developed into a $750 million research and learning complex of 8 centers.
Purdue University established the Discovery Park to bring innovation through multidisciplinary action.
Around 650 employees are based at Discovery Park in Sandwich.
A natural respite in the city can be found at Discovery Park, on a high bluff swept by sea breezes.
This was shown when a massive crowd turned out to watch the finale in a shopping centre, Discovery Park, together with the cast.
This year, the resort has added Discovery Park, a new 20-acre area reserved for beginner and disabled skiers.
The detectives return to the lake in Discovery Park where Rosie's body was found.
The video was filmed at Discovery Park in Seattle, Washington.
The building is situated next to Discovery Park.