"Interest rates are the big thing," said Dan Holland, a currency trader for the Discount Corporation.
At the end of the war, he joined the Discount Corporation, a leading Government securities concern.
The number "turned out to be quite a surprise," said James McGroarty, a vice president at the Discount Corporation.
"There's a feeling that there was a commitment to support the dollar," said Dan Holland, assistant vice president for foreign exchange at the Discount Corporation.
"We still seem to be stuck in this narrow range," said Dan Holland, a currency dealer for the Discount Corporation.
James McGroarty, a vice president at the Discount Corporation, said the report came as no surprise but still attracted attention.
Her father, now retired, was a vice president and corporate secretary of the Discount Corporation of New York, a dealer in government securities.
Her father is a vice president of the Discount Corporation, a securities trading company in New York.
Dan Holland, an assistant vice president for the Discount Corporation, attributed yesterday's dollar gains largely to technical factors.
At the Discount Corporation, Mr. Coleman said, the scope of his duties is not yet clear.